My core values are Family, Respect, Education, Service and Adventure, not necessarily in that order. Why does that matter? Clarity about my core values helps me make decisions that allow me to fulfill my purpose and enjoy my life. It contributes to my professional success and personal happiness.
A new concern has emerged, however, presumably due to the pandemic and working remotely. That concern is ennui, a feeling of weariness and discouragement. Even people who know they’re fortunate to remain healthy and working are experiencing these feelings. So, how can you overcome ennui?
How Will You Keep Your Top Talent?
Post-pandemic turnover has already begun. How are you going to keep your top talent?
Compensation plans are often the first retention tool employers consider and we’re already seeing large firms raising salaries. Yes, competitive, fair salaries are critical to keeping an engaged, productive workforce, but they aren’t enough. Research tells us that when people are paid within industry norms and earn enough to pay their bills, compensation is no longer their highest motivator.
Last June I wrote Leadership Lessons I Learned from My Dad. That prompted me to ask myself, Can I write about leadership lessons I learned from my Mom? I don’t ever recall my mother in a leadership role, paid or volunteer, official or otherwise. But, she had characteristics that would be assets to any leader! Here’s a little bit about Mom’s story and her leadership qualities: